Monday 7 May 2012

Current Issues and Events In Spain

     In my lasts posts, I have talked about the major celebrating Spain does throughout the year right now they have just finished their festival called Sevilla, meaning April Fair in English. It is a festival that involves a huge horse parade and lots of Andalusian traditions (an older type of religion in Spain). The men and women will dress in the traditional clothes and travel in the parades, of course, on their horses! It also includes lots of Flamenco and Sevillanas music with dancing and celebrating! Their next major “fiesta/party” will be celebrated in May called The Jerez Horse Fair, this is a celebration that involves lots of bullfighting the traditional flamenco music and of course lots of dancing! This will be celebrated sometime in May.
The Jerez Horse Fair
     There are several issues/events happening in Spain in this past year and the year before, but some are bigger than others. Today in my blog I will be filling you in on some major events going on right now.
     There are also many issues in Spain occurring at the moment. Right now Spain is in an economic crisis and many of their issues are revolving around this. In March, the Centre-Right People’s Party had won the religious election involving the Socialist stronghold of Andalucia, the problem was that the party did not secure the large outright that came. Rajoy (the current prime minister of Spain) had to face a big strike against him and his campaign about the plummeting economy problems.   
      Rajoy is having several problems holding Spain together the way he should be. With the unemployment rate quickly rising, it has caused many public uproars, the party is less willing to communicate with the union and students, for solutions or plans to fix the unemployment problems.  When Madrid had announced their budget had been higher than it had been announced before. This caused Rajoy to blame the socialists government, the Union had refused though. Finally Rajoy and the European Union made an agreement on Spain’s budget for 2012. Lastly, he doesn’t have a major control over each region’s budget in Spain. With the in debt regions, a law was made for the central government to intervene with them if their budget didn’t hit the right amount.
      Aside from the falling economy the King of Spain, Juan Carlos was sent to the hospital because of a broken hip. The shocking news was that it was from elephant hunting! This made everyone in Spain very upset, so much that they all demanded for apologies. He later had come out to the public saying that he is very sorry and that it was a mistake, he also then said that it will never happen again.
Those are a few of the major events/issues occurring in Spain right now!

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